Today: Never say “Never”!
Passage: Mat 19, Phil 4
25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”
26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
(Mat 19:25-26, NIV 84)
I was amazed to see the motto of the state of Ohio; “With God, all things are possible”
Living in America, many of us had to do things we once thought “impossible”
We had to do carpentry, little plumbing, electrical, auto repair, driving, texting, and lot of other things!
We even learned to do cooking, cleaning, washing and other jobs
Sometimes, we keep certain jobs away, thinking we cannot do it
But many of those things were do-able. Many others are doing it. It’s just a matter of making up our minds!
So, just think of some of those courses you “quit” in the past and go back to it. Age is not a problem. You can learn music, guitar or even piano; you can write-even write books!
When we look at the transformation God brought in certain people, amazing!
God promoted Joseph, straight from Prison to the Palace, to be the Prime Minister of Egypt. He took Moses from leading a few sheep, to lead a nation of millions! (600, 000 adult men alone)
Look at Peter- the scary, quick-responding Peter. He is the one who said about Jesus, like “I don’t even know Him”, after being so close to Him. He is the one who took the boat and net to go back to his old job, even after Jesus was resurrected. If that Peter(transformed) could lead thousands to Christ and do amazing things under God’s power, why not you and me?
Not for our glory, but for His…
If there was something you said “No” to in the past, may be it is time to reconsider it. He is the one who can strengthen you. It may be work related, or a school related subject that is too difficult. But you cannot avoid it. So, give God a chance. Let Him help you. You pay nothing for His time! Just Thank Him!
Never say “Never”, unless God wants (warns) you to say “No”
13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength. (Phil 4:13, NIV 84)
God bless you
Prayer: Lord, forgive me for saying “No” to things you wanted me to say “yes” to. Help me to identify that which you want me to do, and give me the strength to do it. Amen