It’s all about how we finish


Today: It’s all about how we finish

Passage: Psalm 78 (NIV)

7 Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands.
8 They would not be like their ancestors —a stubborn and rebellious generation, whose hearts were not loyal to God, whose spirits were not faithful to him. (Psalm 78, NIV)

If our relationship with God is for selfish purposes, it may come to an end sooner than we think. God blesses us to be a blessing to others

There are dangerous teachings these days that makes believers focus on “bless me” theories, forgetting others

Jesus lived for us; he sacrificed everything. If we don’t become more like Jesus, if we don’t guide our people in that direction, one day we will hear those words from Jesus, like a  thunder: “I don’t know you”!

In his book- “The Community of the King”, Howard A. Snyder talks about the big contrast between the “seeming prosperity of the present day church” and the “humility of the earlier churches”. Even today, we can see such a contrast between churches in one part of the world and those in another part. In countries like Pakistan, people are paying a heavy prize for following Christ (

In John 3, we see Nicodemus asking Jesus, what he should do to inherit eternal life. Today, as many of us are already on the track of our faith-race, we better ask Jesus and ourselves, whether we are still on the right track, or if we got side-tracked by some preacher or pastor who got it all wrong.

There are some ministers I sometimes listen to on the TV, but I am careful not to depend too much on them. The word of God is the best resource.

T.D Jakes, John Haggi, Joyce Meyer and so on…

I like the anointed ministry of Bishop Jakes, the solid word of God from John Haggi and the practical teaching of Joyce Meyer

Joel Osteen teaches good psychology, and is good to hear when we need a “boost”

But if someone hears only that type of sermons all life, they may develop a “deficiency” of the word of God in the long run, and their spiritual man may get “sick” . So, pray that preachers like Bro. Osteen will add more milk (word of God) to their (sermon) serving!

These are the days of apostacy, where many people are deserting their faith for their own selfish motives. Jesus told all of that in advance

The other day, I was listening to christian radio. A true story was told  about an athlete from Africa, who finished “marathon” in an Olympics many years back. With his feet all bleeding, someone asked why he didn’t quit. He said, his country sent him thousands of miles away to finish the race, not just to start it!

Jesus suffered and died for you and for me, so that we will finish well

May God bless you and keep you on His track!


Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice. Help me Lord, to keep focused on you in the midst of all the distractions around. You are the author and finisher of my faith. Give me patience and discernment to finish well. Amen

If Jesus is all we see as we look ahead, we are sure to finish well