Just say “No”!


Today: Just say “No”!

Passage: Colossians 3

3 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is your[a] life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. (Col 3, NIV)

You might have seen bumper stickers like “just do it”, or “say yes”  and so on. But in certain cases, we need to  say “No”!

God loves disciples, and so does He loves discipline

I know people who have taken decisions in life to discipline themselves in many areas. They stay away from certain foods/habits.. It may look difficult, but is possible

Sometime back I met this Pastor visiting from India, who was a  vegetarian. He said he used to eat all meats,  but then decided to stop it one day. He was eating vegetables when there was a barbecue and everyone else were eating meats!

I was speaking to a brother the other day, who doesn’t drink tea or coffee. He told me how it all happened. When he was in 6th or seventh, he used to drink coffee. He had to stop it for a week, when he was in hospital. He never drank coffee/tea after that day!  Now he is a husband, and a father

We can all abstain from certain things. Those who use much sugar can choose a day or time without it

Those who are addicted to TV/computer may try a day without it!

Sometimes people go for “camping” where they live in a tent, with no electricity or internet or TV there. Mobile phones are not clear either

It is a little “scary” to live like that, but possible and helpful!

It trains us to live better in case of an emergency, where we may have to be without these things for days!

The life of a committed Christian is different from that of others

God expects us to stay away from many things that others cherish much

I know several preachers and believers who  stays away from TV, movies and stuff. That is a personal decision and has its own advantages. I am not saying we should not watch news; rather, we need to know what is going around. But there are many entertainment channels, most of which are “garbage” and just a waste of time, draining our time and goodness

Daniel and his friends decided to live without the best food they could get free!

Are we one of those “free”-freaks who take anything that is free?

I know people who drink/smoke only if they get it free; and there will always be someone who will provide that!

Abstinence helps. Many young lives are spoiled because they don’t say “No” to the things they have to say “No” to

Media spoils many. The only way to save our lives as well as that of our children is to say “No” to bad media

May God help you to say “No” to that one thing you are most addicted to, at least for a time/day/week or, for the rest of your life!

Have a blessed day!


Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for being my hero, my role model. I don’t see that many around me who have you as their hero, but that’s O.K. I find in you many things that I admire. I want to be in your foot steps; so help me God. Amen

Saying “No” to certain things is saying “yes” to something much better!