When the bosses are gone!


Today: When the bosses are gone!

Passage: 1 Kings 11

28 Now Jeroboam was a man of standing, and when Solomon saw how well the young man did his work, he put him in charge of the whole labor force of the house of Joseph. (1 Kings 11, NIV84)-emphasis added

29 Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men.

(Prov 22, NIV84)

The Bible does speak about the (right) christian approach to work and worship

God is committed to work, and so does he expect His people to be

The biblical viewpoint is that a person’s approach to work is based on his /her character, and not on how he/she is treated by the employer!

When a person is committed to work just because of the perks/income, the focus is  money, not work. Commitment is personal; it is a matter of attitude/character

Many people model their behavior after that of their co-workers, and take a similar approach to work. The basic difference in the Biblical approach is that we are asked to treat work like we are doing it for God, not people

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Col 3, NIV 84)

If we believe that the Bible is true, we have to believe this also

That puts “work” as something worthy of respect. In the Indian context, the term “Karma” is often associated with work

Bible does not encourage idleness or laziness anywhere, whether we call it ministry or anything like that. God likes people, especially men, who love to work

If you are a person still looking for a job, there are so many good things that can be done in the mean time. Study the word, pray, and learn…….

The devil likes to discourage people through their own thoughts or the words/actions of others. One should learn how to stay above and beyond that

Let no one else define us, but we ourselves, and God

In today’s world, the question is “what will I get?”. But with Jesus, it is always, “what can I give?”, whether it is about work, love or whatever

The greatest reward for work is satisfaction, not salary

One of the greatest problems we have, is comparing with others. That could be our worst enemy. Leave that to God and focus on our task(s)

Give yourself a “raise” that way. A good worker works the same way, when the boss(es) is around and when they are not around. The one above is always there

May God give you a great work day. It is a blessing. Thank God for what you have!

Stay blessed


Prayer: Lord Jesus, you are our example and role model. You led by example and never wasted a moment. Help me to put every moment of my life to use, to bring glory to your name. Thank you for the job you have given me. Amen

The (same) God who watches our worship watches our work as well