God first!


Today: God first!

Passage: Psalm 16

8 I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. 9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, 10 because you will not abandon me to the grave,[c] nor will you let your Holy One[d] see decay.  (Psalm 16, NIV)

David testifies that he has set the Lord always before him

It was a voluntary decision from David. God did not come and occupy a seat right infront of David

How much priority do we give to God and the things of God in our life?

What is the first thing we do after getting up from our sleep? What is the last thing we do, before going to sleep? If the answer is not “Prayer”, we need change

Give God the first and the best of our time, talents and our resources

If we do something for God, put ourselves 100% into it. Don’t do it half-hearted!

God told Abraham to offer his son Isaac as an offering. It did hurt him. But, Abraham had a principle: “If I do something for God, I will do it whole-heartedly”. That is what we see from his life.

He got up early next morning and started the journey towards Moriah!

3 Early the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. (Gen 22, NIV)

If God tells us something we are not very pleased with, how would we respond?

We would delay it as much as possible. We  wouldn’t run as many “tests” as possible, to see if God really wants us to do it or not!

In Ps. 63, we see David in the wilderness, where he must really be thirsting for water. But instead, his soul thirsts for God, first thing in the morning

1 O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You

In a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. (Ps 63, NKJV)

When God told Jonah to go to Nineveh, he went to Tarsish! Jonah tried to obey God in his own way and pace!

10 “A curse on him who is lax in doing the LORD’s work! (Jer 48, NIV)

God’s things have to be done with a sense of urgency and seriousness

Have a blessed day


Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank for reminding me how important it is to put you first and foremost in my life. Forgive me for all carelessness in the past and help me to be more committed to you and be blessed. Amen

“When we really put God “first” in life, He will make us the best we can ever be”