Passage: Exodus 33 (NIV 84)
Today: What are we craving for?
17 And the Lord said to Moses, “I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.” 18 Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.” (Ex 33, NIV 84)-emphasis added
Moses had a very personal, intimate relationship with God; yet, he was never satisfied. He wanted more and more and more of God!
Moses never worried about his personal benefits or anything like that. His concern was always about spiritual things. He was concerned about the people, the presence of God, and the glory of God!
Look around as see what’s the trend today: we will see people of God running “crazy” after material things. The consumer market is more alive than ever before, with new cars, and gadgets like the iphone, tablets etc.
Are we ever going to be content with anything?
And for those who are leaders, there are powers and positions to run after!
When Moses pitched the tent of meeting, people followed him, to pray!
People follow the leader; if leaders(s) are after politics, people will follow them!
God is looking for somone who will be craving for the things of God, like Moses
We are so content with the spiritual blessings we have, that we never “bother” God, asking for any more spiritual things; our churches and leaders teach us about material prosperity because that is what they want. So, in the end of the teaching they will say, “give us your money, so that God can blees you”!
We have enough time to talk about the election and about the new gadgets out there, but no time to talk about God. I will tell you why: If we talk about God to friends, they will be like “you don’t have anything else to talk about?”
Man is man, and God is God; God made real apples and oranges, and even Steve Jobs couldn’t make anything comparable to that. That which God made, is really good. Companies make tablets with “retina display”, but God made our retina, way before that. Man cannot make retina!
The things that we ask God, the material things, make God feel like the child who always ask dad for “candy”; god is like “don’t you have anything better to ask?”
God is looking for someone who will minister to the hurting and the needy
If Jesus comes in between all these that are going on, what will happen to us?
Things of God will really satisfy us, and benefit others, unlike things of the world
May God give us contentment in the physical stuff, and craving for the spiritual; if not, we will loose much!
Have a blessed day!
Prayer: Father God, I admit that I was often craving for things of the world, and not for your things. I was doing like most other people out there, even while claiming that I am a child of God. I am sorry for my sins. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If we are tuned to so many voices around, it is easy to miss God’s!