Giving it all up for a vision, a dream!


Passage:   2 Timothy 4 (AMP)

Giving it all up for a vision, a dream!

 24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever (1 Cor 9, NIV)-emphasis added

If you look at the background of some of the famous athletes around the world , many of them came through tough times; people born with a “silver spoon” in their mouth don’t usually make it. Many of them came through rejections and failures.

They didn’t give up. Instead, they made the right turn and focused on something else, instead of focusing on their bad past

When people go through bitter and painful experience, there is one of the two ways they take; most people choose to live in discouragement and a sense of failure. But a few turn it inside out and start a new life focusing on something else. The greatest people in the Bible are no exceptions: Abraham, Issac, Jacob and Joseph have stories of discouragement and failures to tell-without a proper home or children, Abraham lived as a nomad most of his life; Isaac waited twenty years after marriage, for a child. The philistines filled up the wells he dug. Yet he went on, forgiving and digging another after another after another! You know the story of Joseph, who went from the pit to the prison but then, to the palace!

The best example of two people who treated their discouragements in two different ways is seen in the two disciples of Jesus-Peter and Judas Iscariot.

Peter disowned Jesus in front of a girl; Judas betrayed Jesus. Both were very bad things to do. But Peter repented and came back, while Judas took the discouragement from the devil and went the way of the devil. He gave place to satan in the first place and satan didn’t leave him until he destroyed Judas completely!

Those who run the race of faith need to stay away from many things, to finish it successfully, like these athletes who say “no” to many foods and entertainments, because they had a goal in their life. They focused and they achieved

Its all about a goal, a target, a plan, a VISION!

May God help you and bless you with a vision for your life!


Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to run the race right and say “no” to many of the things I am still carrying along, which is the reason why I could not achieve many things in life. Give me a cear vision I can focus on; help me achieve it. Amen

When we have a dream for God and from God, God will make it happen!