No longer looking for excuses!


Today: No longer looking for excuses!

Passage: John 15

22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. (John 15, NIV) -emphasis added

We are fortunate,  to hear the word of God every week, and whenever we want!

We can just tune-in to our TV/computer/ mobile phone and listen/watch the gospel.

But the other side of the coin is this; the more we hear, the more responsible we are. That is what Jesus says, in John 15.

I was just reading John 15, as part of the daily reading plan on the “Bible gateway” site. This verse just shook me!

The word of God is power-packed. If we read just any verse and we meditate on it, God will reveal great mysteries from it. I have enjoyed great messages from some preachers, who could speak for an hour or so from verses we don’t consider that important! God reveals mysteries from His word, to them

Satan will simply try to keep us from reading the word and praying. But we should be careful not to yield to that. Today, it is much easier to read the word with all the technology and devices we have. In web sites like, we can even get audio, listening to someone else who will read the Bible for us!

So, we have much less excuse than those who lived few decades ago!

Read/listen to the word as much as we can; it will change our lives for good!

I can tell you personal experience from my life and that of our children: whenever they read the Bible and pray regularly, they do good in school. When prayer and bible reading comes down, other things also come down. This is truth, no joke!

Every spiritual activity we do, benefits our entire personality in one way or other

Fasting, meditation, prayer, praise, witnessing/sharing are suggested/supported by many psychiatrists/psychologists  as very helpful tools to stay well and to live longer! When we spent our whole day worried and focused on various issues,  we better learn to isolate our spiritual man from all the other areas of life and give the respect our “spiritual man” deserves

Have the Spiritual formation happen in us, becoming more like Jesus. Then we will know how to control all aspects of our life in the right way!

Peter was a very unstable person, but God changed all of that in a moment! The word of God and the spirit of God together can make us the best, even in our job!

Have a blessed day!


Prayer: Father God, thank you for the word and the Holy Spirit. You have given us the best gift ever! Help me to take the best out of it and live the best life ever! Help me share my knowledge instead of being selfish. In Jesus’ name, Amen

When we take responsibility for God and His things, He does the same for us!