Speak to one another (Just Speak!)


Today:Speak to one another (Just Speak!)

Passage: Eph 5, NIV

18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery.
Instead, be filled with the Spirit. 19 Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, 20 always giving thanks to
God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph 5,
NIV)-emphasis added

Why does God want His children to speak to one another and

Does God not understand that many people are not “friendly”
and that we are busier than the people of 2000 years ago?

Many a time, we even have no time to speak with God!

We live in the age of fast-food. We want our prayers and
Church services to be as brief as possible, and our parties and weddings to
last a whole day

Why is it that people are less and less intersted in the
things of God?

The basic reason, I think is because we don’t know God

God is the most misunderstood and less-understood person ever!

I will tell you why God likes to see His children fellowship
with each other

The same reason as why a parent would like to see their
children living in unity

Jesus prayed that His disciples will live in love and unity
(John 17)

Many people are fed up with Church because there is no true
love or fellowship in many churches

People are dangerously “married” to TV, laptop, mobile phones,
job, etc.

But relationship among people is one of the most importanat
things in life

We better understand the importance of relationships and
about maintaining them. I know people who were too busy in their business/job,
who finally “lost” their family. That affected their lives and they lost everything

We can always discipline ourselves. We don’t need to spend
hours on the internet/facebook/twitter for our pleasure. Restrict how much time
we spent there, and for what purpose we go there

Start renewing your relationshio with people within/outside
the Church

Keep Christ in the center of all our relationships

Spent time in prayer and Bible –Study with those who
need/welcome it

Our lives will be a lot better. God will do great things for

Let our children learn to treat people as people and gadgets
as gadgets

God bless your day


Prayer: Lord Jesus, I am sorry for overlooking realtionship
with you and others, and worshipping my job/gadgets too much. Help us to
prioritize things in the right order so that we as a family, will become a
blessing to many. Amen

Read somewhere: “When we fail to communicate, we communicate
to fail”