Gifted to serve!


Today: Gifted to serve!

Passage: Eph 4

11 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12 to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4, NIV)

Mentioned here, are five ministry gifts from God, for the Church

There are also titles given by the Church/denomination like deacons/Pastors/ Ministers/Bishops etc., after recognizing the gifts/talents in certain people

We see about twenty different gifts mentioned in the N.T

God sends to the Church people with different types of gifts

The Church is important for God; we are God’s chosen, God’s best!

It is the Church that recognizes people with specific gifts; once the church recognize such, they will be prayed and separated for those ministries

Sometimes, in certain denominations were “appointments” are made from the Headquarters which could even be in a foreign land, wrong people may be selected to lead the Church. There will be “havoc” in such cases

Instead of building the body of Christ, such leaders will build themselves and their kingdom up, like the servant who eats the entire baby’s food. The church becomes weak and sick

Looking at the ministry gifts, there is an “apostle” in every Christian; all of us are called to be witnesses/heralds of the gospel

But then, there are people with the special gifts of an Apostle; they will go around, planting/establishing the Churches. However, the Apostles whom Jesus selected during His earthly ministry have a higher and unique place, whose teachings become foundational for the Church. I believe Paul replaced Iscariot, even though the Apostles selected Mathias (before God’s Spirit came on them!)

Prophets bring the oracles of God, to the people; they stand in the presence of God and receive the message for the people, from God

When we receive the message from God and pass it on to the people, we preach prophetic messages, more than preaching from our own feelings. People need to hear the facts. Preachers may randomly pick some topic and preach; instead, if they ask God, God will give them the right message needed for the Church

Prophetic preachers will discern the Church. When they preach, people will be pricked in their heart because they will be speaking out the very facts/thoughts in the heart of the people

God bless you. Pray and seek the greater gifts. The Church has a big shortage of gifted people.


Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for the promise of the gifts. Help us to discern those who claim to have gifts and to desire for gifts so that we can become effective for the body of Christ, making it more efficient. Amen