Today: He keeps Himself the best, for us!
Passage: Eph 5
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing[b] her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and lameless (Eph 5, NIV)
Christ made himself presentable to us; He keeps Himself so, all the time
On the cross, He was crushed emotionally, spiritually and physically
Even the heavenly father hid His face from the son, which broke Jesus emotionally. He was carrying the sin of the whole world, which made Him spiritually broken. His body was crushed like a field which was ploughed!
But once He came out of the dead, He was the most beautiful person, in all aspects. He was perfect. That is the standard He wants us to reach
Before the re-birth experience, our condition was miserable-in spirit, soul and even body. Many people were “sold out” to sin
But, as Jesus took over, evrything changed for good.
We became totally new, with the resurrection power of Jesus (Gal 3:26, 27)
Once made beautiful by Jesus, we have a responsibility to maintain that beauty. We should be careful not to get stained by sin again
Today, many preachers and churches have modified the gospel to suit the taste of the people. That will do more bad than good, in relation to God
The word of God should be our standard, towards which we modify our lives; not vice-versa!
In many Churches, the majority or the leader decides how things should be- in matters like divorce and remarriage and so on
It is not the majority or minority that decides the doctrinal stand of a church
It is Jesus Christ and His word. Jesus is the owner/head of the real Church
When the number/percentage of a certain category of people increase, the word of God is put on the side and rules are changed so as to accommodate/please those people
In the secular field, there are cases where people are hired and promoted based on “who they know” rather than “what they know”. In the spiritual field also, things are no different. Sometimes, money also plays a part!
When Jesus comes, He will not find that many, presentable to God
May God give us a true vision and change, like Isaiah
God bless you
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for being my Lord, My God and my best friend. Above all, thank you for accepting me into thy family. Make me
more like you, as each day passes by. Amen
“Heaven is excited and is getting ready for the royal wedding; are we?”