Today: When God comes
Passage: Psalm 40 (NIV), Isaiah 40 (NKJV)
1 I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. 2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. 3 He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him. (Ps 40, NIV)
When we wait before the Lord, it is possible to STOP that waiting in prayer, hope and faith, before time. It is very easy to get tired, waiting
That is why we need patience and wait, till God shows up
If the 120 in the upper room (Acts 2) had decided to stop their prayer after seven days or so, they would have missed the greatest moment
Don’t we usually decide how long we should sit in His presence?
Pray Until Something Happens (PUSH). Do it next time
Out of the many people pressing on to Jesus, there was this one woman who touched Him with faith; Jesus stopped and asked who was that
When we pray and wait, don’t look at other people who didn’t get an answer, in similar conditions/situations. If we believe, God will work. Don’t even listen to the negetive words from others. The word of God is true and we act accordingly
When God hears our cry, He comes and changes our situations
He liftedIsraelout fromEgypt. They had become “settled” there
God knows what is best for us. Sometimes we may be “settled” in a certain place and when God tells us to move, we may not like it
It is important to discern and listen to God’s voice
Sometimes, people listen to “prophets” and the like; there are more false prophets and “simply” prophets, than real ones. If the word they say is from the Lord, God will confirm it in you, some way. He likes to speak to you directly
God put David on a firm rock; this is very important
We see many people and even leaders, who don’t have a stand
One preacher comes and says one thing and evrybody lifts their hands and say “yes” to it. Tomorrow, another one comes and says just the opposite; and everybody says “praise the Lord”. How can that be?
We first need to have a firm foundation for our spiritual life
We need to get a washing of the dirt, by the Lord
Then, we can open our mouth and sing, as He gives us a new song
It is one thing when the Lord gives a song/a message; it is quite another, when a person decides on his/her own to write a song/message/book
I have seen people giving away free CDs and stuff and no one listening to it
On the other hand, if it came from the Lord, people will even pay and buy it
On the day of Pentecost, God put new words, new songs in their mouth
Peter stood up and preached in that anointing, and 3000 were added
It all started with waiting upon the Lord. That is the key to growth/development
Have a blessed time with God
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for your presence and promise. You have showed up for me many times when I needed you most, and I thank you for that. I admit that it is a long time I waited for you. Help me God, to wait on you again. Amen
When God fills you, He really fills, so that no one can add anything to it